From mountains to city...

Sophia & Adam met each other in the lively city of London. After being together for years, they decided to opt for a quieter lifestyle in Scotland, where they could raise their beautiful fur baby. When deciding where to get married, they opted for best of both worlds and came down to London to have their formal ceremony and to party accordingly with their dearest friends and family, heading back up to Scotland to do their blessing and celebrate with closest family.

I was so blessed to be part of their London wedding, and felt right at home as soon as I met them both.

The way their friends spoke about them is the biggest testimony to who they are as people. Deeply loving and loved.

Sophia and Adam share a deep connection, one that you would not easily get to experience in your life. It's somewhat magical and nostalgic at the same time.

I am so excited for the both of them, and so happy that I could capture a small glimpse of their beautiful story.

Lea x